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       发布日期:2019-03-20     浏览次数:



1. 基本信息




2018.1-至今, 西北农林科技大学, 3344体育在线官网水产科学系, 副教授

2017.9-2022.4, 西北农林科技大学, 3344体育在线官网, 博士后

2015.9-2017.12, 西北农林科技大学, 3344体育在线官网水产科学系, 讲师

2010.9-2015.7, 中国海洋大学, 水产学院水产养殖系, 硕博连读

2006.9-2010.7, 东北农业大学, 3344体育在线官网水产养殖系, 本科



指导研究生10余名,其中获得西北农林科技大学优秀硕士学位论文2人、国家奖学金1人、校长奖学金1人,优秀研究生毕业生1人;指导本科生科创和毕业论文20余人,其中获得西北农林科技大学本科生 “百篇优秀毕业论文” 2人、西北农林科技大学优秀本科毕业论文2人、全国大学生水产技能大赛二等奖1人、全国大学生生命科学创新创业大赛二等奖1人、西北农林科技大学大学生创新训练计划结题优秀奖2人,西北农林科技大学第九届大学生创新创业论坛三等奖1人、西北农林科技大学第十届“挑战杯”大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛三等奖1人。


1. 水产动物对逆境胁迫的生理响应机制及其营养调控策略


(2) 营养素对逆境条件下水产动物脂质代谢和肠道稳态的调控作用及分子机制;

2. 水产绿色健康养殖模式构建及减排技术





(12) 国家重点研发计划“蓝色粮仓科技创新”专项子课题(2019YFD0901002),2019.1-2022.12;


(10)西北农林科技大学“青年英才培育计划” (2452018030),2017.1-2019.12;


(8) 中国富硒产业研究院富硒专项科技计划 (2018FXZX02-05),2018-2019;

(7)中国博士后基金项目一等资助 (2016M600821),2016-2018;





(2) 西北农林科技大学试验示范站(基地)科技成果推广项目(TGZX2016-27),2016-2018;



(25) Cheng Zhang, Pengju Li, Chi Wang, Haibo Yu*, 2022. Mitochondrial dysfunction and lipometabolic disturbance induced by co-effect of polystyrene nanoplastics and copper impedes early life stage development of zebrafish ( Danio rerio ). Environmental Science: Nano, https://doi.org/10.1039/D2EN00710J.

(24) Cheng Zhang, Yanyao Li, Haibo Yu*, 2022. Nanoplastics promote arsenic-induced ROS accumulation, mitochondrial damage and disturbances in neurotransmitter metabolism of zebrafish ( Danio rerio ). Science of the Total Environment, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.161005.

(23) Xiaotian Zhang, Haibo Yu*, Xianfang Yan, Pengju Li, Chi Wang, Cheng Zhanga, Hong Ji, Qinfeng Gao, Shuanglin Dong, 2022. Selenium improved mitochondrial quality and energy supply in liver of grass carp ( Ctenopharyngodon idella ) fed with a high-fat diet after heat stress. Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, 1-16.

(22) Chi Wang, Cheng Zhang, Pengju Li, Haibo Yu*, 2022. Glycerol monolaurate and triglycerol monolaurate alleviated high-fat diet induced lipid accumulation and damage of liver in zebrafish ( Danio rerio ). Aquaculture. 561, 738616

(21) Cheng Zhang, Pengju Li, Chi Wang, Haibo Yu*, 2022. Toxic Effect of Combined Exposure of Microplastics and Copper on Goldfish ( Carassius auratus ): Insight from Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, Apoptosis and Autophagy in Hepatopancreas and Intestine. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 1-8.

(20) Ying Lan, Chi Wang, Cheng Zhang, Pengju Li, Jinding Zhang, Hong Ji & Haibo Yu*, 2022. Dietary sea buckthorn polysaccharide reduced lipid accumulation, alleviated inflammation and oxidative stress, and normalized imbalance of intestinal microbiota that was induced by high-fat diet in zebrafish  Danio rerio . Fish Physiology and Biochemistry. 1-19.

(19) Pengju Li, Chi Wang, Guohao Liu, Xiaolong Luo, Abdessan Rauan, Cheng Zhang, Tian Li, Haibo Yu*, Shuanglin Dong, Qinfeng Gao, 2022. A hydroponic plants and biofilm combined treatment system efficiently purified wastewater from cold flowing water aquaculture. Science of the Total Environment, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.153534

(18) Sha Liu, Haibo Yu*, Pengju Li, Chi Wang, Guohao Liu, Xiaotian Zhang, Cheng Zhang, Meng Qi, Hong Ji, 2021. Dietary nano-selenium alleviated intestinal damage of juvenile grass carp ( Ctenopharyngodon idella ) induced by high-fat diet: insight from intestinal morphology, tight junction, inflammation, anti-oxidization and intestinal microbiota, Animal Nutrition, DIO:10.1016/j.aninu.2021.07.001.

(17) Guohao Liu, Haibo Yu*, Chi Wang, Pengju Li, Sha Liu, Xiaotian Zhang, Cheng Zhang, Meng Qi, Hong Ji, 2021. Nano-selenium supplements in high-fat diets relieve hepatopancreas injury and improve survival of grass carp  Ctenopharyngodon Idella  by reducing lipid deposition. Aquaculture. DIO:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2021. 736580

(16) Pan He, Xiaotian Zhang, Wenyi Wu, Guohao Liu, Sha Liu, Chi Wang, Haibo Yu*, 2021. Molecular characterization and tissue distribution of nine selenoprotein genes in grass carp  Ctenopharyngodon idella and their mRNA expressions in response to high-fat diet and high-fat diet supplemented with selenium. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpb.2021.110706

(15) Haibo Yu, Chi Wang, Hong Ji, 2021. Characterization and Expression Profiling of Glutathione Peroxidase 1 gene (GPX1) and Activity of GPX in  Onychostoma macrolepis suffered from Thermal Stress, Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 21(11), 541-551.

(14) Wei Deng, Jian Sun, Zhi-guang Chang, Nina Gou, Wenyi Wu, Xiaolong Luo, Jishu Zhou, Haibo Yu*, Hong Ji*, 2020. Energy response and fatty acid metabolism in  Onychostoma macrolepis exposed to low-temperature stress. Journal of thermal biology, 94, 102725.

(13) Haibo Yu, Cheng Zhang, Xiaotian Zhang, et al., 2020. Dietary nano-selenium enhances antioxidant capacity and hypoxia tolerance of grass carp  Ctenopharyngodon idella fed with high-fat diet. Aquaculture Nutrition. 26: 545-557.

(12) Wei Deng, Haibo Yu*, Jian Sun, Zhiguang Chang, Nina Gou, Chencui Huang, Junlan Zhao, Jishu Zhou, Hong Ji*, 2019. Molecular characterization and tissue distribution of SREBP-1 and PPARα in  Onychostoma macrolepis and their mRNA expressions in response to thermal exposure. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology. 230, 16-27.

(11) Haibo Yu, Jishu Zhou, Hong Ji, et al., Effects of Dietary Lipid Source on Fatty Acid Composition, Expression of Genes Involved in Lipid Metabolism and Antioxidant Status of Grass Carp ( Ctenopharyngodon idellus ), Aquaculture Nutrition, 2018, DOI: 10.1111/ anu.12682.

(10) Haibo Yu, Wei Deng, Dongdong Zhang, Yao Gao, Zhou Yang, Xiaochen Shi, Jian Sun, Jishu Zhou, Hong Ji*, 2017. Antioxidant defenses of  Onychostoma macrolepis in response to thermal stress: Insight from mRNA expression and activity of superoxide dismutase and catalase. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 66, 50-61.

(9) Haibo Yu, Qinfeng Gao, Shuanglin Dong, Ying Lan, Zhi Ye, Bin Wen, 2016. Regulation of dietary glutamine (Gln) on growth, intestinal function, antioxidant capacity and immunity of sea cucumber  Apostichopus japonicas  (Selenka). Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 50: 56-65.

(8) Haibo Yu, Qinfeng Gao, Shuanglin Dong, Jishu Zhou, Zhi Ye, Ying Lan, 2016. Effects of dietary n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFAs) on growth, fatty acid profiles, antioxidant capacity and immunity of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicas  (Selenka). Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 54:211-219.

(7) Haibo Yu, Qinfeng Gao, Shuanglin Dong, Bin Wen, Changes in fatty acid profiles of sea cucumber  Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka) induced by terrestrial plants in diets. Aquaculture, 2015, 442: 119-124.

(6) Haibo Yu, Qinfeng Gao, Shuanglin Dong, Bin Wen, Yiran Hou, Luguang Ning, 2015. Utilization of corn meal and extruded soybean meal by sea cucumber  Apostichopus japonicus  (Selenka): Insights from carbon stable isotope analysis. Aquaculture, 435: 106-110.

(5) Haibo Yu, Cheng Zhang, Qinfeng Gao, Shuanglin Dong, Zhi Ye, Xiangli Tian, 2016. Impact of water temperature on the growth and fatty acid profiles of juvenile sea cucumber  Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka). Journal of Thermal Biology, 60, 155-161.

(4) Haibo Yu, Qinfeng Gao, Shuanglin Dong, Yiran Hou, Bin Wen, 2016. Changes in digestive physiology of sea cucumber  Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka) induced by corn kernels meal and soybean meal in diets. Journal of Ocean University of China, dio: 10.1007/s11802-016 -2985-x.

(3) Haibo Yu, Qinfeng Gao, Shuanglin Dong, Yongjun Sun, Fang Wang, 2016. Effect of the co-culture of Chinese shrimp  Fenneropenaeus chinensis with sea cucumber  Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka) on the pond environment: Evidence from carbon stable isotope. Journal of Ocean University of China, dio:10.1007/ s11802-016-3014-9.

(2)于海波, 聂文强, 吉红, 刘阳洋, 田晶晶, 陈昊杰. (2018). 匙吻鲟越冬前后的生长特性研究. 水生态学杂志, 04, 89-93.

(1)于海波, 高勤峰, 孙永军, 董双林, & 傅秀娟. (2013). 刺参-对虾复合养殖系统主要营养盐动态变化及循环过程的研究. 中国海洋大学学报: 自然科学版, (9), 25-32.


(1)大水面生态渔业技术模式, 中国农业出版社, 2022, 参编


(1)硒通过激活脂滴自噬降低草鱼肝脏脂质蓄积并缓解肝损伤. 第十三届世界华人鱼虾营养学术研讨会, 山东青岛, 2021年10月.










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