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       发布日期:2019-01-25     浏览次数:




庞卫军,男,三级教授,博士生导师。全国生猪遗传改良计划专家委员会成员、国家生猪产业技术体系岗位科学家和全国农业职业技能大赛国家级裁判员。先后主持国家自然基金、国家重点研发计划课题、陕西省重点产业创新链(群)和陕西省自然基金等国家及省部级项目10余项。围绕猪遗传改良和新品种选育,针对猪脂肪沉积与肌肉发育调控机制、猪繁殖生物学与繁殖技术、全基因组选择与分子设计育种、种猪营养调控以及智能化养猪技术领域开展研究工作。在《 Redox Biology 》、《 Genome Biology 》、《 Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism 》、《 Science of the Total Environment 》、《 PLoS Biology 》、《 Journal of Biological Chemistry 》、《 Meat Science 》、《 Food Function 》、《 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 》、《 Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology 》、《 Journal of Animal Science 》、《 Animal Genetics 》、《 RNA Biology 》、《Theriogenology 》、《 Animal Reproduction Science 》、《 中国农业科学 》和《 畜牧兽医学报 》等期刊发表科研论文100余篇,其中SCI论文80余篇;主编《八眉猪》和《高产母猪饲养技术——有问必答》;获得授权发明/实用专利与软件著作权8件,陕西省科学技术二、三等奖各1项。


中国畜牧兽医学会动物遗传育种学分会理事、中国畜牧兽医学会动物繁殖学分会理事和西北养猪协会理事。是30余种SCI期刊:《Nature Protocols 》、《 Advanced Science 》、《 Journal of Hazardous Materials 》、《 Journal of Biological Chemistry 》、《 Food Research International 》、《 Molecular Nutrition and Food Research 》、《 International Journal of Biological Sciences 》、《 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 》、《 Cell Proliferation 》、《 Stem Cells 》、《 Theriogenology 》和《 Animal Reproduction Science 》等的审稿专家。



2. 猪繁殖生物学与繁殖技术

3. 猪全基因组选择与分子设计育种

4. 种猪营养调控

5. 智能化养猪技术


1. 国家自然基金面上项目:猪肌内脂肪细胞外泌体lncRNA调控骨骼肌纤维类型转化的作用机制研究(32272847),2023.01-2026.12,54万元;

2. 国家自然科学基金(湖南省)联合基金重点项目(合作方负责人):桃源黑猪肌肉-脂肪组织互作调节肌内脂肪沉积的分子机理及营养调控(U22A20516),2023.01-2026.12,100万元;

3. 国家生猪产业技术体系岗位科学家专项(CARS-35),2021.01-2025.12,350万元;

4. 国家自然基金面上项目:GRP78 AS lncRNA调控猪骨骼肌纤维脂质沉积的作用机制研究(31872979),2019.01-2022.12,59万元;

5. 国家重点研发计划课题:种畜禽重要经济性状精准测定技术研发(2017YFD0502002),2017.07-2020.12,286万元;

6. 国家自然基金面上项目:猪肌内脂肪沉积的lncRNA鉴定及其调控机制研究(31572366),2016.01-2019.12,64万元;

7. 国家自然基金青年项目:Sirt1通过Caspase-3调控猪前体脂肪细胞凋亡的分子机理(30600437),2007.01-2009.12,21万元;

8. 陕西省重点产业创新链(群)——农业领域项目:陕西省地方猪种资源挖掘及新品种培育(2022ZDLNY01-04),2022.01-2024.12,75万元;

9. 陕西省重点产业创新链(群)——农业领域项目:生猪养殖智能化关键技术研发与示范(2018ZDCXL–NY–02–03),2018.01-2020.12,50万元.



1. Yi XD, Cai R, Shaoyong WK, Wang GY, Yan WY, He ZZ, Li R, Chao MK, Zhao TT, Deng L*, Yang GS*, Pang WJ*. Melatonin promotes gut anti-oxidative status in perinatal rat by remodeling the gut microbiome.  Redox Biology , 2023, 65: 102829. (IF5 year="11.9," 中科院1区)

2. Xia XT, Zhang FW, Li S, Luo XY,Peng LX, Dong Z, ... , Hong C, Pang WJ*, Lei CZ*, Ningbo Chen*. Structural variation and introgression from wild populations in East Asian cattle genomes confer adaptation to local environment.  Genome Biology ,2023, 24(1): 211. (IF5 year="17.4," 中科院1区)

3. Guo L, Quan MS, Pang WJ, Yin YL*, Li FN*. Cytokines and exosomal miRNAs in skeletal muscle-adipose crosstalk.  Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism , 2023, 34(10): 666–681. (IF5year=13.3, 中科院1区)

4. Cai R, Chao MK, Zhao TT, Li R, Zhang ZY, Yan WY, Pang WJ*. miR-503 targets MafK to inhibit subcutaneous preadipocyte adipogenesis causing a decrease of backfat thickness in Guanzhong Black pigs.  Meat Science , 2023, 198: 109116. (中科院1区)

5. Li R, He ZZ, Yan WY, Yu H, Yi XD, Sha YW, Zhang QM, Cai R*, Pang WJ*. Tricaprylin, a medium-chain triglyceride, aggravates high-fat diet-induced fat deposition but improves intestinal health.  Food & Function , 2023, 14(19): 8797–8813. (中科院1区)

6. Yi XD, He ZZ, Tian TT, Kou ZY, Pang WJ*. LncIMF2 promotes adipogenesis in porcine intramuscular preadipocyte through sponging MiR-217.  Animal Biotechnology , 2023, 34(2): 268–279.

7. He ZZ, Zhao TT, Qimuge N, Tian TT, Yan WY, Yi XD, Jin JJ, Cai R, Yu TY, Yang GS, Pang WJ*. COPS3 AS lncRNA enhances myogenic differentiation and maintains fast-type myotube phenotype.  Cellular Signalling , 2022, 95: 110341.

8. Zhao TT, Zhao R, Yi XD, Cai R, Pang WJ*. METTL3 promotes proliferation and myogenic differentiation through m6A RNA methylation/YTHDF1/2 signaling axis in myoblasts.Life Sciences , 2022, 298: 120496.

9. Kou ZY, Wang CY, Gao L, Chu GY, Yang GS, Pang WJ*. Icariin improves pig sperm quality through antioxidant and antibacterial effects during liquid storage at 17 °C.  Livestock Science , 2022, 256: 104827.

10. Kou ZY, Hu BY, Li YQ, Cai R, Gao L, Chu GY, Yang GS, Pang WJ*. Boar seminal plasma improves sperm quality by enhancing its antioxidant capacity during liquid storage at 17°C.  Zygote , 2022, 30(5):695–703.

11. Shaoyong WK, Zhang WR, Wang CY, Kou ZY, Yong WL, Jiao JH, Yan WY, Pang WJ*. BDE-209 caused gut toxicity through modulating the intestinal barrier, oxidative stress, autophagy, inflammation, and apoptosis in mice.Science of the Total Environment , 2021, 776: 146018.(IF5year=9.6, 中科院1区)

12. Cai R, Zhang Q, Wang YQ, Yong WL, Zhao R, Pang WJ*. Lnc-ORA interacts with microRNA-532-3p and IGF2BP2 to inhibit skeletal muscle myogenesis.  Journal of Biological Chemistry , 2021, 296: 100376.(自然指数期刊)

13. Liu SG, Sun YM, Zhao R, Wang YQ, Zhang WR, Pang WJ*. Isoleucine increases muscle mass through promoting myogenesis and intramyocellular fat deposition.Food & Function ,2021, 12(1): 144–153. (中科院1区)

14. Zhang Q, Cai R, Tang GR, Zhang WR, Pang WJ*. MiR-146a-5p targeting SMAD4 and TRAF6 inhibits adipogenensis through TGF-β and AKT/mTORC1 signal pathways in porcine intramuscular preadipocytes.Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology , 2021, 12(1): 12.(中科院1区)

15. Yong WL, Jiao JH, Kou ZY, Wang CY, Pang WJ*. Resveratrol ameliorates malathion-induced estrus cycle disorder through attenuating the ovarian tissue oxidative stress, autophagy and apoptosis.  Reproductive Toxicology , 2021, 104: 8–15.

16. Zhao R, Zhao TT, He ZZ, Cai R, Pang WJ*. Composition, isolation, identification and function of adipose tissue-derived exosomes.  Adipocyte , 2021, 10(1): 587-604.

17.Xia B, Shi XC, Xie BC, Zhu MQ, Chen Y, Chu XY, Cai GH, Liu M, Yang SZ, Mitchell GA, Pang WJ*, Wu JW*. Urolithin A exerts antiobesity effects through enhancing adipose tissue thermogenesis in mice.PLoS Biology , 2020, 18(3): e3000688. (IF5year=9.2, 中科院1区, 自然指数期刊)

18. Chen FF, Wang YQ, Tang GR, Liu SG, Cai R, Gao Y, Sun YM, Yang GS*, Pang WJ*.Differences between porcine longissimus thoracis and semitendinosus intramuscular fat content and the regulation of their preadipocytes during adipogenic differentiation.  Meat Science , 2019, 147(1): 116–126. (中科院1区)

19. Shaoyong WK, Li Q, Ren ZQ, Xiao JY, Diao ZX, Yang GS, Pang WJ*. Effects of kojic acid on boar sperm quality and anti-bacterial activity during liquid preservation at 17 ℃.  Theriogenology , 2019, 140: 124–135.

20. Ren ZQ, Shaoyong WK, Li Q, Ma L, Xiao JY, Jiao JH, Yang GS, Pang WJ*. Effects of Isatis root polysaccharide on boar sperm quality during liquid storage and in vitro fertilization.  Animal Reproduction Science , 2019, 210: 1–11.

21. Shaoyong WK, Li Q, Ren ZQ, Wei CS, Chu GY, Dong WZ, Yang GS, Pang WJ*. Evaluation of ε-polylysine as antimicrobial alternative for liquid-stored boar semen.  Theriogenology , 2019, 130: 146–156.

22. Sun YM, Chen XC, Qin J, Liu SG, Zhao R, Yu TY, Chu GY, Yang GS*, Pang WJ*. Comparative analysis of long noncoding RNAs expressed during intramuscular adipocytes adipogenesis in fat-type and lean-type pigs.  Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , 2018, 66(45): 12122–12130. (中科院1区)

23. Cai R, Qimuge N, Ma ML, Wang YQ, Tang GR, Zhang Q, Sun YM, Chen XC, Yu TY, Dong WZ, Yang GS,Pang WJ*. MicroRNA-664-5p promotes myoblast proliferation and inhibits myoblast differentiation by targeting serum response factor and Wnt1. Journal of Biological Chemistry , 2018, 293(50): 19177–19190. (自然指数期刊)

24. Cai R, Sun YM, Sun YM, Naren QMG, Wang GQ, Wang YQ, Chu GY, Yu TY, Yang GS, Pang WJ*. Adiponectin AS lncRNA inhibits adipogenesis by transferring from nucleus to cytoplasm and attenuating Adiponectin mRNA translation.  BBA-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids , 2018, 1863(4): 420–432.

25. Chen XC, Sun YM, Cai R, Wang GQ, Shu XY, Pang WJ*. Long noncoding RNA: multiple players in gene expression.  BMB Reports , 2018, 51(6): 281–290.

26. Ma ML, Wang XM, Chen XC, Cai R, Chen FF, Dong WZ, Yang GS, Pang WJ*. MicroRNA-432 targeting E2F3 and P55PIK inhibits myogenesis through PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling pathway.  RNA Biology , 2017, 14(3): 347–360. (Cover story)

27. Wang GQ, Zhu L, Ma ML, Chen XC, Gao Y, Yu TY, Yang GS, Pang WJ*. Mulberry 1-Deoxynojirimycin Inhibits Adipogenesis by Repression of the ERK/PPARγ Signaling Pathway in Porcine Intramuscular Adipocytes.  Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , 2015, 63(27): 6212–6220. (中科院1区)

28. Wei N, Wang Y, Xu RX, Wang GQ, Xiong Y, Yang GS, Pang WJ*. PU.1 antisense lncRNA against its mRNA translation promotes adipogenesis in porcine preadipocytes.  Animal genetics , 2015, 46(2):133–140.

29. Pang WJ*, Wei N, Wang Y, Xiong Y, Chen FF, Wu WJ, Zhao CZ, Sun SD, Yang GS. Obese and lean porcine difference of FoxO1 and its regulation through C/EBPβ and PI3K/GSK3β signaling pathway.  Journal of Animal Science , 2014, 92(5): 1968–1979.

30. Pang WJ*, Xiong Y, Wang Y, Tong Q, Yang GS. Sirt1 attenuates camptothecin-induced apoptosis through caspase-3 pathway in porcine preadipocytes.  Experimental Cell Research , 2013, 319(5): 670–683.

31. Pang WJ*, Lin LG, Xiong Y, Wei N, Wang Y, Shen QW, Yang GS. Knockdown of PU.1 AS lncRNA inhibits adipogenesis through enhancing PU.1 mRNA translation.  Journal of Cellular Biochemistry , 2013, 114(11): 2500–2512. (Cover story)

32. 任志强,王晨阳,寇忠云,蔡瑞,杨公社,庞卫军*. 运用计算机断层扫描技术活体评估种公猪瘦肉率、脂肪率和肌内脂肪含量.  中国农业科学 , 2023, 56(9): 1787–1799.

33. 秦雪, 沙懿文, 杨梦豪, 蔡瑞, 庞卫军*. 非编码RNA调控哺乳动物子宫内膜容受性和蜕膜化的研究进展.  畜牧兽医学报 , 2023, 54(4): 1347–1358.

34. 张孜怡, 贺昭昭, 庞卫军*. 组织器官通讯对骨骼肌发育的作用及调控机制研究进展.  生物工程学报 , 2023, 39(4): 1502–1513.

35. 闫文勇, 贺昭昭, 庞卫军*. 脂肪组织中巨噬细胞在肥胖过程中的作用及其调控机制.  中国生物化学与分子生物学报 , 2023, 39(5):638–647.

36. 张海泽, 胡冰艳, 庞卫军*. 苏氨酸对猪生理作用的研究进展.  动物营养学报 , 2023, 35(2): 708–717.

37. 喻赫, 李睿, 伊旭东, 庞卫军*. 基因组测序技术在家畜肉质改良中的应用研究进展.  农业生物技术学报 ,2023, 在线发表.

38. 杨梦豪, 秦雪, 庞卫军*. 环状RNA调控家畜配子发生的研究进展.农业生物技术学报 ,2023, 接受发表,在线发表.

39. 王晨阳, 胡冰艳, 李雨晴, 寇忠云, 李爱赟, 李倩, 庞卫军*. 非接触式测温鉴定母猪典型生理状态.  农业工程学报 , 2022, 38(20): 149–155.

40. 田婷婷, 伊旭东, 庞卫军*. FTO介导的mRNA m6A修饰对动物脂肪沉积的作用及其应用前景.  生物工程学报 , 2022, 38(1): 119−129.

41. 巢明坤,伊旭东,庞卫军*. mTOR信号通路对脂肪生成的调控作用.  中国生物化学与分子生物学报 , 2022, 38(11): 1477–1485.

42. 伊旭东, 赵甜甜, 庞卫军*. tRNA及其衍生物对骨骼肌发育的作用,  中国生物化学与分子生物学报 , 2021, 37(09): 1180−1187.

43. 何春, 张琦悦, 孙浩玮, 蔡瑞, 庞卫军*. miRNA和lncRNA在动物脂肪沉积中的研究进展.  生物工程学报 , 2020, 36(08): 1504−1514.


1. 庞卫军,主编. 《八眉猪》,“十三五”国家重点图书出版规划项目和中国特色畜禽遗传资源保护与利用丛书,中国农业出版社, 2019年12月第1版.

2. 庞卫军,主编.《高产母猪饲养技术——有问必答》,中国农业出版社,2017年1月第1版.


1. 猪脂肪沉积及其调控机制研究,2016年陕西省科学技术三等奖,1/7;

2. 猪脂肪细胞增殖与分化调控及其机理研究,2006年陕西省科学技术二等奖,4/9。






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E-mail: pwj1226@nwafu.edu.cn


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