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       发布日期:2020-09-21     浏览次数:



1. 基本信息











2. 研究方向


3. 开设课程

1) 本科生:《反刍动物营养学》《动物营养与饲料学》《专业英语》《科技英语写作》《饲料分析综合实验》《畜禽消化代谢实习》《配合饲料及加工工艺实习》等课程。

2) 研究生:《高级动物营养学》《动物营养生理学》《动物营养学研究进展》《动物营养与饲养学》等课程。

3) 线上课程:国家一流线上课程《动物营养学》。

4. 科研项目

1) 陕西省创新人才推进计划-青年科技新星项目(编号:2023KJXX-132):黄芩素对围产期奶山羊肝细胞损伤的调控机制研究,2023-2024,主持,在研

2) 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(编号:32102569):GLUT2介导肠道T1R2/T1R3调控奶山羊小肠葡萄糖吸收的分子机制,2022-2024,主持,在研

3) 四川省动物采食调控工程技术研究中心项目(编号:K4040121242):人工甜味剂调控奶山羊生产性能和乳品质的机制研究,2021-2023,主持,在研

4) 陕西省引进国外博士专项(编号:F2020221007):蛋氨酸和亮氨酸对围产期奶山羊能量负平衡的调控机制研究,2021-2023,主持,在研

5) 陕西省重点研发计划项目(编号:2020NY-029):基于动态营养供应的奶山羊围产期精准饲养技术研究,2020-2022,主持,结题

6) 新加坡Diasham Resources Pte. Ltd.横向课题(编号:K4030220296):The effect of Nopstress RM on the production performance and health status of dairy cows,2020-2021,主持,结题

7) 西北农林科技大学博士启动经费(编号:2452018096):支链氨基酸调控奶山羊乳蛋白合成的机理,2018-2021,主持,结题

8) 陕西省技术创新引导专项项目(编号:2022QFY11-05):畜禽动态代谢参数及智慧化营养供应技术研发,2022-2024,课题负责人,在研

9) 陕西省重点研发计划项目(编号:2022ZDLNY01-09):家畜主要疾病无抗防治关键技术研究与应用,2022-2024,技术负责人,在研

10) “十四五”国家重点研发计划课题(编号:2021YFD1300301):饲料原料改性增值加工预处理关键技术研究,2021-2025,子任务负责,在研

11) 国家自然基金面上项目(编号:32072761):胆汁酸肠肝循环介导日粮瘤胃可降解淀粉调控奶山羊乳脂合成的微生物学机制,2021-2024,参与,在研

12) 咸阳市秦创原科技创新专项(编号:L2022-QCYZX-NY-004):畜禽无抗养殖中药渣复方饲料及饲料添加剂研制与开发,2023-2024,参与,在研

5. 荣誉奖项

1) 陕西省青年科技新星(1/1),陕西省科学技术厅,2023年度

2) 陕西省博士后科研成果奖(1/1),陕西省人力资源和社会保障厅,2022年度

3) 陕西省科学技术进步一等奖(3/9),陕西省人民政府,2020年度

4) 学生思想政治教育先进个人(1/1),西北农林科技大学,2020年度

5) 国家优秀自费留学生奖学金(1/1),国家留学基金管理委员会,2018年度

6) 杰出研究论文(1/1),韩国檀国大学,2018年度

7) 研究生优秀学位论文(1/1),甘肃农业大学,2014年度

6. 代表性学术论文

1) Lei Wang, Zong Jun Li, Xin Jian Lei*, Jun Hun Yao. 2023. Effect of folic acid supplementation on lactation performance of Holstein dairy cows: A meta-analysis.  Animal Feed Science and Technology. 296:115551

2) Guoyan Wang#, Lei Chen#, Xin Jian Lei#, Senlin Qin, Huijun Geng, Yining Zheng, Chao Xia, Junhu Yao*, Tong Meng*, Lu Deng*. Role of FLCN Phosphorylation in Insulin-Mediated mTORC1 Activation and Tumorigenesis. Advanced Science. 17: 2206826

3) Jie Chen#, Xin Jian Lei#, Lei Wang, Yuan Ling Zhang, Dang Dang Wang, Li Chao Zhao, Tao Liu, Yun Tian Yang, Jun Hu Yao*. 2022. Effects of rumen-protected leucine on production performance and starch digestion in the small intestine of lactating goats. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 287:115270

4) Xin Jian Lei#, Zhuang Zhuang Liu#, Qi Lin Wang, Dang Dang Wang, Meng Ya Wang, Jun Hu Yao, In Ho Kim*. 2021. Evaluation of potentiated zinc oxide as a source of zinc in broiler chickens. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 281:115097

5) Xiaoying Han#, Xinjian Lei#, Xuexin Yang, Jing Shen, Lixin Zheng, Chunjia Jin and Yangchun Cao, Junhu Yao*. 2021. A metagenomic insight into the hindgut microbiota and their metabolites for dairy goats fed different rumen degradable starch. Frontiers in Microbiology. 12: 651631

6) Xin Jian Lei, In Ho Kim*. 2020. Evaluation of coated zinc oxide in young pigs challenged with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli K88. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 262:114399

7) Zongjun Li#, Xinjian Lei#, Xiaoxu Chen, Qingyan Yin, Jing Shen, Junhu Yao* 2020. Long-term and Combined Effects of N-[2-(Nitrooxy)ethyl]-3-pyridinecarboxamide and Fumaric Acid on Methane Production, Rumen Fermentation, and Lactation Performance in Dairy Goats, Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. 2:125

8) Xin Jian Lei, Sang In Lee, In Ho Kim*. 2019. Effects of different levels of dietary protein with or without plant extract YGF251 on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, fecal microbial shedding, and fecal gas emission in growing pigs. Animal Science Journal. 90:547-553

9) Xin Jian Lei, In Ho Kim*. 2018. Low dose of coated zinc oxide is as effective as pharmacological zinc oxide in promoting growth performance, reducing fecal scores, and improving nutrient digestibility and intestinal morphology in weaned pigs. Animal Feed Science and Technology. 245:117-125

10) Xin Jian Lei, Yong Min Kim, Jae Hong Park, Dong Heon Baek, Charles Martin Nyachoti, In Ho Kim*. 2018. Effects of levan-type fructan on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, diarrhea scores, fecal shedding of total lactic acid bacteria and coliform bacteria, and fecal gas emission in weaning pigs. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 98:1539-1544.

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